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X Rays for Shoulder Pain from Your Chiropractor in Belmar, NJ

Hi everybody. Dr. Jodi Kinney, your chiropractor for shoulder pain in Belmar, NJ.

Today, I wanna talk to you about how we treat people who come in with problems in their shoulders. And one of the things that we need to do for sure to rule out if there isn’t some significant pathology is take an x-ray.

Shoulder Pain Chiropractic Examination in Belmar, NJ

So we have digital x-ray here, where we can take pictures immediately, and it will zip right up on our screen. And we can see where the problems are. So when we take a picture of the shoulder, we always wanna take two different views. One of internal and external rotation, so that we can get a couple different pictures of that actual ball and socket joint.

And once we get those images, in our office, we get the picture right away.

This particular gentleman, I’m glad I did take the x-ray, because he has a fracture right in his clavicle, which is right at the top of that ball and socket joint. So this particular gentleman, I would have never known he had a fractured clavicle because his range of motion was fine. He was just having some shoulder pain.

Shoulder Pain X-ray Assessment in Belmar, NJ

So it’s always best for us not to guess. We always wanna know what’s going on in our patients, and with digital x-ray right on site, we can do that.

So if you have any problems with your shoulder, you need to get an image to make sure that there’s not some significant pathology, a fracture or something more serious going on, so that we can treat it and get to the cause and get you better as quickly as possible.

All right, thanks so much. We’ll see you again soon.

Kinney Chiropractic

At Kinney Chiropractic, we pride ourselves in really listening and getting to the root cause of why you are in pain and not living up to your true potential. We go above and beyond with a thorough exam and specialized digital X-rays so we can fully understand what’s causing your problem.

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